Important Dates

Event Date (AoE3)
Regular and Special Session Paper Submission Deadline (Round #1) 02-Dec-20242
Paper Acceptance Notification (for Round #1)1 08-Feb-2025
Regular and Special Session Paper Submission Deadline (Round #2) 15-Jan-2025 10-Feb-2025 Extended
Paper Acceptance Notification (for Round #2)1 17-Mar-2025
Work-In-Progress Paper Submission Deadline 17-Feb-2025 Coming up
Work-In-Progress Paper Acceptance Notification1 17-Mar-2025
Special Session Proposal Deadline 20-Dec-2024
Tutorial Proposal Deadline 31-Jan-2025 15-Mar-2025 Extended
Final Paper Submission Deadline (All) 31-Mar-2025
Author Registration Deadline 11-Apr-2025
Early Bird Registration Deadline 11-Apr-2025

1Acceptance letters for visa application can be issued after the official acceptance notification dates.

2Authors requiring a visa to Germany should submit papers by this date to ensure enough time for a visa application. See visa requirements/exemptions for entry into the Federal Republic of Germany. Acceptance letters for the visa application are issued after official acceptance notification.

3The following dates are specified as AoE (Anywhere on Earth), meaning the deadlines pass when the date has passed anywhere on Earth.

The authors can submit papers in Round #1 or Round #2. The difference is only of administrative nature, as Round #1 has a much earlier acceptance notification date, and as such it is better suited for streamlining actions of authors such as visa applications, travel or financial planning.

Call for Papers

The upcoming IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems will be held between 12th May and 15th May 2025. As a prominent annual conference sponsored by the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, this event will gather the international community to present the latest research, share new ideas and engineering breakthroughs, and discuss current challenges and future directions in the field.

The organizing committee cordially invites high-quality papers representing original work, including but not limited to the following topics:

  • T01 - ICPS Architectures & Engineering: Industry Architectures, Industry ICPS Standards (RAMI 4.0, IIRA, etc.), Industrial IoT, Engineering Methods and Tools, ICPS Lifecycle Management, Integration, Humans and ICPS (H-CPS-I), Safety, Engineering Systems of ICPS, ICPS Standards, ICPS Development/Engineering Best Practices.
    Track co-chairs: Duc Pham, Chi Xu, Luca Davoli

  • T02 - ICPS Theory and Technologies: Core ICPS Technologies, Security & Trust, Communication Networks for ICPS, Connectivity OT/IT, Control, Information Processing, Security, IoT/IoS, Edge/Fog/Cloud Computing.
    Track co-chairs: Bilal Ahmad, Thomas Strasser, Xiaoling Wang, Patrick Felke

  • T03 - ICPS and Data Science: Big/Smart Data, Analytics, Synthetic Data, Data Management Technologies, Data Models, Semantics, Ontologies, and Simulations.
    Track co-chairs: Shibo He, Elmar Wings, María Laura Caliusco

  • T04 - ICPS Automation & Autonomy: Automation within ICPS Context for Industries (Agriculture, Healthcare, Factory, Maintenance, Manufacturing, Retail, Service, Supply Chain, Infrastructures, ICPS-Based Autonomous Systems, Robotics).
    Track co-chairs: Bin Zhang, Binyan Xu, Yong Xu, Hiroaki Nishi

  • T05 - ICPS Energy: Cyber-Physical Energy System Design and Operation, Renewable Energy, Energy Storage, Power Trains, Electric Vehicles, Microgrid, Smart Grid.
    Track co-chairs: Joao Martins, Chen-Wei Yang, Chengbin Ma

  • T06 - ICPS Advanced Modeling, Control, and Optimization: ICPS System Modeling, ICPS Control Theory and Applications, System Optimization and Control.
    Track co-chairs: Ahmad Al-Dabbagh, Zheng Chen, Chao Shen, Moe Alahmad

  • T07 - ICPS Emerging Applications: Smart Manufacturing, Smart Cities, Smart Home and Living, Smart Farming, Mobility, Water & Waste Water Management, Mining, Oil & Gas, Intelligent Enterprise, Smart Transportation, Internet of Underwater Things, Smart Medical Systems.
    Track co-chairs: Qimin Xu Kevin, Wang Yuanjun, Laili, Gavin Kane

  • T08 - ICPS Education, Management, and Society: Digital Skills, Education Curricula, Lifelong Learning & Training, Digital Society, Future of Work, Industry 5.0, Innovation Management, Visions/Roadmaps, Strategic Impact, Societal Implications, Sustainability, Innovation Management, Innovation Ecosystems.
    Track co-chairs: Larisa Dunai, Juho Mäkiö, Aniko Costa

  • T09 - Artificial Intelligence in ICPS: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Generative AI, Large Language Models, AI Explainability, AI on Edge/Cloud, Neuromorphic Computing, Foundation Models, AI Industrial Experiences.
    Track co-chairs: Daswin De Silva, Michael Basin, Lei Shu

  • T10 - Digital Transformation, Paradigms, Methods and Tools: Industrial Metaverse, Asset Administration Shell (AAS), Digital Twin (DT), Data Spaces, Digital Product Passport (DPP), Connectivity and Interoperability.
    Track co-chairs: Martin Wollschlaeger, Christian Diedrich, Michael Hoffmeister

The ICPS 2025 Call for Papers is also available in PDF and text formats. In additon to the above specified tracks, a number of special sessions is also organized. For details see the respective Special Session CFPs.

Author’s schedule: Check the conference important dates.

Accepted Special Sessions

ICPS 2025 is now accepting papers for the following approved special sessions:

Author’s schedule: The important dates for special session submissions are the same with the conference dates.

Regular Tracks and Special Sessions:

The regular tracks of the conference includes but is not limited to the topics specified in the CFP. The special sessions have specialized focus areas; check the respective Special Session CFPs.

Prospective authors are invited to electronically submit regular papers on their work in English. Submit the full paper using the following layout. The limitation is to 6 total pages, including the paper title, authors and affiliations, figures, and references (maximum size 2MB). A max of additional 2 pages can be bought for regular papers (see registration). Authors are requested to prepare the manuscripts in the IEEE two-column format template and to convert it to PDF. No other format in the submission and in the final version can be accepted. The IEEE two-column format template can be downloaded from this link.

Accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings and submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore online digital library.

Download IEEE Template

Work-In-Progress (WiP) Papers:

The submissions in the Work-in-Progress papers category describe research that has not yet produced the results required for a regular paper but that, due to its novelty and potential impact, deserves to be shared with the community at an early stage. These submissions need to follow the guidelines for the regular and special session but are limited to four (4) pages (total length including references). No additional pages can be bought for WiP papers.

WiP contributors are expected to give a short presentation of their work and to prepare a poster for the discussion forum that will take place after the presentations. More specifically, each WiP paper shall be presented by one of the authors in a very short oral presentation of 3 minutes, without any ensuing discussion, in its respective session.

Accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings and submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore online digital library.

The template used for WiP papers is the same as for the regular and special session sessions.

Call for Special Sessions

Special Sessions

Special sessions provide the opportunity to focus in detail on emerging topics that are not reflected in the list of the conference’s main technical tracks or represent a specific working field where researchers would like to meet and discuss advances. Sessions focused on reporting innovations and breakthroughs in highly specialized topic areas (within the conference’s scope) will be organized. These sessions will broaden the knowledge base of attendees, helping them stay updated with recent advances in mechatronics. The organizing committee invites professionals in the areas of mechatronics to propose special sessions (SSs) to be held at the conference.

Once approved, the Organizers will publicize the Special Session among researchers and practitioners in the field and attract a sufficient number of papers. Papers submitted to special sessions will undergo the same review process as regular papers. The special session organizers of the respective special session are responsible for organizing the review process, assuring at least three reviews per paper. This includes the selection of reviewers from their peers.

See a list of the accepted special sessions.

Conflict of Interest

Before starting the review process, SS organizers must explicitly declare papers that present a conflict of interest for them. A conflict of interest arises where the judgment of a paper’s quality can be influenced by the organizers being authors or knowing some of the authors. To ensure independent reviews, this conflict must be marked as such in the submission system, and the SS Co-Chairs must be notified so that they can arrange the review process.


During the review process, Special Session Organizers must take into account that:

  1. An individual cannot be (co-)author of more than two papers submitted to the same Special Session.
  2. Papers from organizers cannot exceed 60% of the contents of the Special Session.

Session Chairs

When an SS is finally accepted by the conference, SS organizers will serve as Session chairs in the conference. In some extenuating circumstances, Technical Program Chairs and Conference General Chairs might take up full control of appointing the Session Chairs should the SS organizers be unable to participate in the conference.

Proposal Content

The special session’s proposal content should include the following information (as mentioned in the MS Word template):

  1. Title of the Special Session.
  2. Brief description of the area of concern (~100 words), with special emphasis on why this is an interesting and significant topic.
  3. Name and contact information of 2 to 3 special session organizers (multi-nationals preferred and multi-institutional mandatory) who are willing to promote and organize a sufficient amount of quality submissions to the special session. Please also indicate the background of the organizers.
  4. A list of potential authors and their affiliations.
  5. A list of potential reviewers and their affiliations (20 minimum).
  6. Submit the word version of the template.
Special Sessions Proposal Submission

Please send your proposal in Word format to the e-mail address Special session proposals will be accepted along the dates stated below. We encourage early proposal submission to receive early decisions and a higher number of paper submissions.

Special Session Proposal Template

Proposing a special session? Check the conference important dates.

Early submissions are encouraged for earlier acceptance notification!

Call for Tutorials

The conference will offer all ICPS participants several high-quality tutorials on the latest trends in Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems, Industrial Electronics, and Industrial Informatics.

Potential tutorial speakers are asked to submit a proposal using the tutorial proposal template.

Proposal Content

The tutorial proposal content should include the following information (as mentioned in the MS Word template):

  1. Title of the Tutorial
  2. Information on Presenters
  3. An outline with a brief description of the area, topics, and relevance to ICPS.
  4. Brief info on the presenter(s).

Successful tutorial proposers will be notified as soon as possible and will be asked to prepare and submit a PDF electronic version of their presentation materials. The conference organizers reserve the right to make the final decision of including the tutorial in the conference program based on the submitted final materials.

Tutorial Proposal Submission

Please send your proposal in Word format to the e-mail address

Tutorial Proposal Template

Proposing a tutorial? Check the conference important dates.

Manuscript Submission

All submissions must be uploaded through “IEEE IES Conferences Community System’s Paper Submission Website” following the schedule given on important dates. Each submission will be reviewed by three independent reviewers using a single-blind peer review process and will be screened for plagiarism and duplicate publication. The accepted papers are to be presented at the conference and will be hosted on IEEE Xplore, subject to formatting and copyright requirements.

Prospective authors are invited to electronically submit regular papers of their work in English. Submit the full paper using the following layout. The limitation is to 6 total pages, including the paper title, authors and affiliations, figures, and references (maximum size 2MB). Authors are requested to prepare the manuscripts in the IEEE two-column format template and to translate it into PDF. No other format in the submission and in the final version can be accepted. The IEEE two-column format template can be downloaded from “IEEE’s Manuscript Template for Conferences Website”.

Paper Submission

The Conference submission system is open and accepting submissions open

Please submit in R1T* tracks for the Round #1 timeline, R2T* tracks for the Round #2 timeline, and wipT* tracks for Work In Progress papers.

Only submit papers fully compliant with the IEEE template.

You can validate the PDF of your paper via IEEE’s PDF eXpress.

Submit your paper

IEEE Industrial Electronics Society’s Conferences Community System Registration

Before submitting your paper, you should register for the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society’s Conferences Community System. If you haven’t already done so, please register using the “IEEE IES Conferences Community System’s Registration Website”.

As part of the registration process, you will receive a confirmation email for you to activate your account.

IEEE PDF eXpress

The IEEE PDF eXpress can validate the PDF compliance to IEEE format. It is suggested to use this also for the initial submission. This is mandatory for all accepted papers.

First-time users should do the following:

  • Create an account in PDF eXpress website
  • Enter the following: 65515X for the Conference ID, your email address, a password
  • Continue to enter information as prompted
  • An Online confirmation will be displayed and an email confirmation will be sent verifying your account setup.

Previous users of PDF eXpress

  • connect to PDF eXpress website
  • Enter the following: 65515X for the Conference ID
  • Use your email address and password that was used for previous conferences in pdf eXpress.
  • Log in